Announcement Results

1 Creation of Pledge_17.12.2024
2 Creation of Pledge_17.12.2024
3 Creation of Pledge_19.11.2024
4 Revokation of Pledge by ABT Investments (India) P Ltd_14.11.2024
5 Revokation of Pledge by Sri.M.Balasubramaniam_14.11.2024
6 Revokation of Pledge by Dr.N,Mahalingam_14.11.2024
7 Revokation of Pledge by Sri.M.Srinivaasan_14.11.2024
8 Revokation of Pledge by Dr.M.Manickam_14.11.2024
9 Publication of Unaudited Quarterly Financial Results - 30.09.2024
10 Outcome of Board Meeting - 12.11.2024
11 Related Party Transaction - 30.9.2024
12 Board Meeting Intimation_12.11.2024
13 Creation of Pledge_28.10.2024
14 Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report - 30.09.2024
15 Creation of Pledge_15.10.2024
16 Regulation_13(3)_30.09.2024
17 Regulation_74(5)_30.09.2024
18 Revokation of Pledge - 8.10.2024
19 Retirement_of_Directors_29.09.2024
20 Trading Window Closure 30.09.2024
21 Creation of Pledge _ 25.9.2024
22 Change in Management_Appointment of Sri V.K.Swaminathan
23 Declaration of voting result and Scrutinizers Report of 62nd AGM
24 Proceedings of 62nd AGM-19.9.2024
25 Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate - Mr V.K.Swaminathan
26 Publication regarding 62nd Annual General Meeting
27 Despatch of Annual Report and Notice of the 62nd AGM
28 Resignation of a Director
29 Publication of Unaudited Quarterly Financial Results - 30.6.2024
30 Reg.30-Appointment of Sr.Management Personnel
31 Publication of Unaudited Quarterly Financial Results - 30.6.2024
32 Outcome of the Board Meeting - 14.8.2024
33 Loss of Share Certificates - 7.8.2024
34 Disclosure under Regulation 30 of LODR
35 Board Meeting Intimation - 14.8.2024
36 Creation of Pledge _ 5.8.2024
37 Revokation of Pledge - 30.07.2024
38 Revokation of Pledge - 29.07.2024
39 Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report - 30.06.2024
40 Loss of Share Certificate - 18.7.2024
41 Issue of Duplicate Share Certificates - 15.7.2024
42 Reg.13_3_30.06.2024
43 Reg 74(5)-30.6.2024
44 Trading Window Closure 30.06.2024
45 Publication of Audited Financial Results - 31.3.2024
46 Outcome of Board Meeting - 29.5.2024
47 Related Party Transaction - 31.3.2024
48 Annual Secretarial Compliance Report - 31.3.2024
49 Loss of Share Certificates - 13.5.2024
50 Pledge of Shares - Filed under PIT Reg.7_2_10.5.2024
51 Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report - 31.03.2024
52 Reg.40(9) - 31.3.2024
53 Loss of Share Certificates - 15.4.2024
54 Reg.7(3) - 31.3.2024
55 Reg 13(3) - 31.03.2024
56 Reg 74(5)-31.3.2024
57 Disclosure of sale of Soya Unit
58 Changes in KMPs - Retirement / Appointment of Company Secretary
59 Outcome of Board Meeting - 27.3.2024
60 Trading Window Closure 31.3.2024
61 Loss of Share Certificates - 12.3.2024
62 Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate - 9.3.2024
63 Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate - - 24.2.2024-Mr L.Srinivasan
64 Loss of Share Certificates - 15.2.2024
65 Publication of Unaudited Quarterly Financial Results - 31.12.2023
66 Outcome of Board Meeting - 12.2.2024
67 Issue of Duplicate Share certificate- 5.2.2024
68 Board Meeting Intimation - 12.2.2024
69 Pledge of Shares - Filed under PIT Reg.7_2_25.1.2024
70 Loss of Share Certificates - 25.1.2024
71 Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report - 31.12.2023
72 Reg.74(5) -31.12.2023
73 Reg.13_3_31.12.2023
74 Trading Window Closure 31.12.2023
75 Issue of Duplicate Share certificate- 26.12.2023
76 Pledge of Shares - Filed under PIT Reg.7_2
77 EGM Voting Result
78 EGM Proceedings
79 Loss of Share Certificates - 2.12.2023
80 Issue of Duplicate Share Certificates to Mrs.Kiran Devi and Bangalore Stock Exchange Ltd
81 Loss of Share Certificates - 23.11.2023
82 Loss of Share Certificates - 22.11.2023
83 Reg.30-Disclosure of Guarantee/Security to ABT Transports Private Limited
84 Publication of EGM Notice sent to shareholders- 14.12.2023
85 Intimation regarding Extraordinary General Meeting
86 Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) 2015
87 Publication of Unaudited Quarterly Financial Results - 30.9.2023
88 Related Party Transaction - 30.9.2023
89 Loss of Share Certificates - 3.11.2023
90 Board Meeting Intimation - 09.11.2023
91 Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report - 30.09.2023
92 Loss of Share Certificates - 17.10.2023
93 Reg 13(3) - 30.09.2023
94 Reg 74(5)-30.9.2023
95 Trading Window Closure 30.09.2023
96 Loss of Share Certificates - 27.9.2023
97 Loss of Share Certificates - 15.9.2023
98 Loss of Share Certificates - 13.9.2023
99 Loss of Share Certificates - 7.9.2023
100 Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate - Mr K P Ganesan
101 61st AGM - Voting Result & Scrutinizers Report
102 Proceedings of 61st AGM-23.8.2023
103 Publication of Unaudited Quarterly Financial Results - 30.6.2023
104 Loss of Share Certificates - 12.8.2023
105 Board Meeting Intimation - 14.8.2023
106 Notice of 61st AGM and Annual Report 2022-23
107 Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report - 30.06.2023
108 Intimation to shareholders regarding 61st AGM
109 Certificate under 74(5) 30.06.2023
110 Investor complaints Reg 13(3) 30.06.2023
111 Trading Window Closure 30.06.2023
112 Outcome of Board Meeting - 10.6.2023
113 Declaration of Result of EGM held on 5.6.2023
114 Proceedings of EGM_5.6.2023
115 Publication of Audited Financial Results - 31.3.2023
116 Loss of Share Certificates - 31.5.2023
117 Annual Secretarial Compliance Report - 31.3.2023
118 Related Party Transaction - 31.3.2023
119 Board Meeting Intimation - 29.05.2023
120 EGM 5.6.2023 Notice Publication
121 EGM_Notice_5.6.2023
122 Reg.40(9) & (11) - 31.03.2023
123 Reg.76-Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report - 31.03.2023
124 Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate - Mr.Rajiv C Palicha
125 Loss of Share Certificate - Reg.39(3) - 30.3.2023
126 Trading Window Closure Notice for the quarter 31.03.2023
127 Publication of Unaudited Financial Result_31-12-2022
128 Loss of Share Certificates - Reg.39(3) - 27.1.2023
129 Reg.76 - Reconciliation of Share Capital - 31.12.2022
130 Structured Digital Database - 31.12.2022
131 Reg.74(5) for the quarter ended 31.12.2022
132 Reg.13(3) - Investors Complaints - 31.12.2022
133 Trading Window Closure Notice for the quarter 31.12.2022
134 Loss of Share Certificate - Reg.39(3) - 30.12.2022
135 Related Party Transaction - 30.9.2022
136 Structured Digital Database (SDD)- 30.09.2022
137 Publication-UAFR_30-09-2022
138 Reg.39(3) - Loss of share certificate-16-11-2022
139 Completion of Sale of Dhenkanal Unit to IPL
140 Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate - 1.11.2022
141 Loss of Share Certificate - Reg.39(3) - 29.10.2022
142 Loss of Share Certificate - Reg.39(3) - 26.10.2022
143 Reg.76 - Reconciliation of Share Capital - 30.09.2022
144 Reg_74_5_30092022
145 Reg.13(3) - Investors Complaints - 30.9.2022
146 Trading Window Closure Notice for the quarter 30.09.2022
147 Default of interest as on 31.7.2022 - C1
148 60th AGM Declaration of Results
149 60th AGM Proceedings
150 Newspaper publication on Unaudited Financial Results - 30.06.2022
151 Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate - Reg.39(3)
152 Board Meeting Intimation - 13.08.2022
153 Publication-Before sending AGM Notice -Annual Report-2021-2022
154 Default of interest as on 30.6.2022 - C1
155 Reg.76 - Reconciliation of Share Capital - 30.06.2022
156 Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate
157 Default of payment of interest/Payment of principal as on 30.6.2022 - C2
158 Reg.74(5) for the quarter ended 30.6.2022
159 Reg.13(3) - Investors Complaints - 30.6.2022
160 Default of interest as on 31.5.2022 - C1
161 Trading Window Closure Notice for the quarter ending 30.06.2022
162 Execution of Business Transaction Agmt. for sale of Dhenkanal Unit
163 EGM_25.06.2022_Declaration of Result
164 EGM_25.06.2022_Proceedings of the meeting
165 Publication of Audited Financial Results for the quarter\year ended 31.3.2022
166 Publication-After sending EGM (25.6.2022) Notice on 3.6.2022
167 Related Party Transaction - 31.3.2022
168 Notice of EGM_25.6.2022
169 Default of interest as on 30.4.2022 - C1
170 Secretarial Compliance - 31.3.2022
171 Proceedings of EGM held on 27.5.2022
172 Outcome of BM - 25.5.2022 - Appointment of Dr.S.Veluswamy as President-Finance & Operations
173 Newspaper publication on EGM Notice
174 Notice of EGM - 27.5.2022
175 Outcome of BM - 2.5.2022 - Sale of Dhekanal & Soya Units
176 Default of interest as on 31.3.2022 - C1
177 Reg.39(3) - Loss of share certificate
178 Reg.40(9) & (11) - 31.03.2022
179 Reg.76 - Reconciliation of Share Capital - 31.03.2022
180 Default on payment of quarterly interest/repayment of principal amount as on 31.3.2022-C2
181 Reg.13(3) - Investors Complaints - 31.3.2022
182 Reg.74(5) for the quarter ended 31.3.2022
183 Reg.7(3) - RTA Certificate -for the year ended 31.3.2022
184 Retirement of Chief Financial Officer on 31.03.2022
185 Trading Window Closure Notice for the quarter 31.03.2022
186 Default on payment of interest amount as on 28.02.2022-C1
187 Default on payment of interest amount as on 31.01.2022-C1
188 Withdrawal of ARCIL Nominee Director-Mr.Abhishek Kumar w.e.f. close of office hours on 16.2.2022
189 Board Meeting Intimation - 14.02.2022
190 Default on payment of interest amount as on 31.12.2021-C1
191 Reg.76 - Reconciliation of Share Capital - 31.12.2021
192 Reg.13(3) - Investors Complaints - 31.12.2021
193 Reg.74(5) for the quarter ended 31.12.2021
194 Default on payment of quarterly interest/repayment of principal amount as on 31.12.2021-C2
195 Default on payment of interest/repayment of principal amount as on 31.11.2021-C1
196 Trading Window Closure Notice for the quarter 31.12.2021
197 Related party transactions for the half year ended 30.09.21
198 Default in repayment of principal and payment of interest 31-10-2021_Form C1
199 Declaration of result of EGM dated 24.11.21
200 EGM_Proceedings_24.11.2021
201 Publication of Unaudited Financial Results - 30.09.2021
202 Board Meeting Intimation - 13.11.2021
203 Newspaper Publication regarding confirmation of despatch of EGM Notice
204 Notice of EGM dated 24.11.2021
205 Default in repayment of principal and payment of interest 30-09-2021_Form C1
206 Intimation of Board Meeting to consider fund raising by issue of debt securities
207 Reg.76 - Reconciliation of Share Capital - 30.09.2021
208 Reg.13(3) - Investors Complaints - 30.9.2021
209 Reg.74(5) for the quarter ended 30.9.2021
210 Default on payment of interest/repayment of principal amount as on 30.9.2021-C2
211 59th AGM Voting Results
212 59th AGM Proceedings
213 Trading window closure notice for the quarter ending_30.09.2021
214 Publication-After sending Annual Report-2020-21
215 Publication-Before sending Annual Report-2020-21
216 Default in repayment of principal and payment of interest-31.7.2021 - C1
217 Appointment of Sri M Balasubramaniam as Managing Director and Sri M.Srinivaasan as Joint Managing Director
218 Default on payment of interest/repayment of principal amount as on 25.7.2021
219 Publication reg. Quarterly Results_30-06-2021
220 Outcome of Board Meeting held on 13.8.2021
221 Change in Nominee Director of ARCIL-Mr.Abhishek Kumar
222 Board Meeting Intimation - 13.08.2021
223 Default in repayment of principal and payment of interest-30.6.2021 - C1
224 Default on payment of interest/ repayment of principal amount as on 25.06.2021 - Form C1
225 Annual Secretarial Compliance-Reg.24A-31.3.2021
226 Related Party Transactions for the half year ended 31.03.2021
227 Reg 76 - Reconciliation of Share Capital - 30.06.2021
228 Publication of convening of BM and Fin.Results 31 3.2021
229 Default on payment of interest/ repayment of principal amount for the quarter ended 30.06.2021 - Form C2
230 Reg 13(3) - Investors Compliants - 30.06.2021
231 Reg 74(5) for the quarter ended 30.06.21
232 Trading Window Closure Notice for the quarter ending 30.06.2021
233 One Time Settlement of IOB
234 Default on payment of interest/repayment of principal amount as on 30.5.2021
235 Default in repayment of principal and payment of interest-25.5.2021
236 Board Meeting Intimation - 30.6.2021
237 Default in Payment of interest amount from due date i.e. 30.4.2021
238 Default in repayment of loan and payment of interest from 25/04/2021
239 Default on payment of interest/repayment of principal amount as on 31.03.2021-C1
240 Default on payment of interest/repayment of principal amount as on 25.3.2021
241 Reg.40(9) - 31.03.2021
242 Reg.76 - Reconciliation of Share Capital - 31.03.2021
243 Not a Large Corporate Entity
244 Loss of share certificate - Reg.39(3)
245 Reg.7(3) - RTA Certificate -for Half year 31.3.2021
246 Reg.13(3) - Investors Complaints - 31.3.2021
247 Reg.74(5) for the quarter ended 31.3.2021
248 Default on payment of interest/repayment of principal amount for the quarter ended 31.3.2021 - Form C2
249 Trading Window Closure Notice for the quarter 31.03.2021
250 Default on payment of interest/repayment of principal amount as on 25.2.2021
251 Default on payment of interest/repayment of principal amount as on 31.1.2021
252 Publication reg. Quarterly Results -31.12.2020
253 Publication reg. BM intimation-10.2.2021
254 Board Meeting Intimation - 10.02.2021
255 Default on payment of interest/repayment of principal amount as on 31.12.2020
256 Default on payment of interest/repayment of principal amount as on 25.12.2020-C1
257 Reg.76 - Reconciliation of Share Capital - 31.12.2020
258 Default on payment of interest/repayment of principal for the quarter ended 31.12.2020 - Form C2
259 Reg.13(3) - Investors Complaints - 31.12.2020
260 Certificate under Reg.74(5) of SEBI(DP)Regulations, 2018 - 31.12.2020
261 Trading Window Closure Notice for the quarter 31.12.2020
262 Default on payment of interest/repayment of principal amount as on 31.11.2020
263 Default on payment of interest/repayment of principal amount due on 25.11.2020
264 Default on payment of interest/repayment of principal amount as on 31.10.2020
265 Default on payment of interest/repayment of principal amount on 25.10.2020
266 Related Party Transactions for the half year ended 30-09-2020
267 Publication of convening of BM and Financial Results for the quarter ended 30.9.2020
268 Board Meeting Intimation - 11.11.2020
269 Reg.76 - Reconciliation of Share Capital - 30.09.2020
270 Reg.40(9) - 30-09-2020
271 Certificate under Reg.74(5) of SEBI(DP)Regulations, 2018 - 30.9.2020
272 Reg.13(3) - Investors Complaints - 30.9.2020
273 Reg.7(3) - RTA Certificate -for Half year 30.9.2020
274 Default on payment of interest/repayment of principal amount as on 30.9.2020
275 Trading Window Closure Notice for the quarter 30.09.2020
276 Declaration of 58th AGM Voting Result & Scrunizers Report
277 Proceedings of 58th AGM
278 Publication of Quarterly Financial Results -30.6.2020
279 Revocation of Pledge by ABT Investments (India) P Ltd
280 Publication reg. BM intimation-15.9.2020
281 Board Meeting Intimation - 15.09.2020
282 Publication-After sending Annual Report-2019-20
283 Annual Report - 2019-20
284 Publication- Before sending Annual Report-2019-20
285 Disclosure pursuant to SEBI Circular No.SEBI/HO/DDHS/CIR/P/2018/144- Large Corporate
286 Publication of convening of BM and Fin. Result-31.3.2020
287 Intimation of Application filed before NCLT, Chennai
288 Reg.29(2)-Intimation of BM - 31.3.2020
289 Reg.76- Reconciliation of Share Capital-30.06.2020
290 Impact of CoVID-19 on Business
291 Reg.74(5) - 30.06.2020
292 Reg.13(3) -Inverstors Complaints-30.06.2020
293 Trading Window Closure Notice-30.06.2020
294 Annual Secretarial Compliance-Reg.24A-31.3.2020
295 Postponement of BM to July 2020
296 Board Meeting on 29.6.2020
297 Reg.76 - Reconciliation of Share Capital-31.03.2020
298 Reg.40(9) & 11 - 31.03.2020
299 Reg.7(3) - 31.3.2020
300 Reg.13(3) - Investor Complaints - 31.3.2020
301 Reg.74(5) - March 2020
302 Trading Window Closure Notice-31.03.2020
303 Disclosure of default in interest payment - 31.1.2020
304 Disclosure of default in payment - 30.1.2020
305 Disclosure of default in payment - 25.1.2020
306 Publication of Unaudited Financial Results - 31.12.2019
307 Outcome of BM - 14.2.2020
308 Publication of convening of BM -14.2.2020
309 Board Meeting Intimation - 14.2.2020
310 Disclosure of default in interest payment - 31.12.2019
311 Disclosure of default in principal payment - 30.12.2019
312 Disclosure of default in payment - 25.1.2020
313 Reg.76 - Reconciliation of Share Capital-31.12.2019
314 Disclosure of default in payment - 31.12.2019
315 Reg.13(3) - Investor Complaints - 31.12.2019
316 Reg.74(5) - December 2019
317 Disclosure of Shares Transferred on 20.12.2019 pursuant to SEBI Circular dt.06.11.2018
318 Reg.23(9) - RPT for the Half year ended 30.9.2019
319 Publication of Financial Results-30.9.2019
320 Loss of share certificate-REG.39(3)
321 BM 14-11-2019 intimation - Publication
322 Reg.74(5)-confirmation certificate-30.9.2019
323 Board Meeting Intimation - 14.11.2019
324 Reg.76-30-09-2019-Reconciliation of Share Capital
325 Reg.40(9) & 11 for the quarter 30.9.2019
326 Reg.13(3) - Investors Complaints-30.9.2019
327 Reg.7(3) - RTO & Compliance Officer
328 Reg.31(1) - Promoters disclosure
329 Reg.39(3)- Loss of Share Certificates
330 Trading window closure - 1st October 2019
331 Publication of Notice of 57th AGM Notice
332 Loss of share certificate-REG.39(3)-26-08-2019
333 Publication of Quarterly Fin. Result-30.6.2019
334 Outcome of Board Meeting - 13.08.2019
335 Publication of Board Meeting Intimation-13.8.19
336 Board Meeting Intimation - 13.8.2019
337 Reg.55A for the quarter 30.6.2019
338 Reg.74(5)-confirmation certificate-30.6.2019
339 Reg.13(3) - Investors Complaints-30.6.2019
340 Trading window closure - 1st July 2019
341 Reg.23(9) - RPT for the Half year ended 31.3.2019
342 Right of conversion or claim of holders of FCCB A series
343 Annual Secretarial Compliance - Reg. 24A
344 Outcome of Board Meeting - 28.5.2019
345 Board Meeting Intimation-28.05.2019
346 Reg.55A for the quarter 31.3.2019
347 Reg.40(9)&11 - 31.03.2019
348 Reg.74(5)-31.3.2019
349 Large Corporate Entity-Compliance
350 Loss of share certificate-REG.39(3)-15-04-2019
351 Reg.13(3) - Investors Complaints-31.3.2019
352 Reg,.7(2)(b)-PIT-6.4.2019
353 Reg.7(3) - RTO & Compliance Officer
354 Reg,.7(2)(b)-PIT-26.2.2019
355 Reg.7(2)(b)-PIT-21.2.2019
356 Reg,.7(2)(b)-PIT-19.2.19
357 Publication of Date of BM and Financial Result
358 Loss of share certificate-REG.39(3)-19-2-19
359 Reg.7(2)(b)-PIT-15.2.2019
360 Reg.7(2)(b)-PIT-13.2.2019
361 Reg.7(2)(b)-PIT-11.2.2019
362 Reg.7(2)(b)-PIT-8.2.19
363 Reg.7(2)(b)-PIT-7.2.19
364 Reg.7(2)(b)-PIT-6.2.19
365 Reconciliation of share capital-Reg.55A-311218
366 Loss of share certificate-REG.39(3)-25-01-2019
367 Loss of share certificate-REG.39(3)-23-01-2019
368 Loss of share certificate-REG.39(3)-21-01-2019
369 Loss of share certificate-REG.39(3)
370 Loss of share certificate-REG.39(3)
371 Reg.13(3) - Investors Complaints-31.12.2018
372 Loss of share certificate-REG.39(3)-27-11-2018
373 Loss of share certificate-REG.39(3)
374 Loss of share certificate-REG.39(3)
375 Board Meeting Intimation-12.11.2018
376 Reg.55A for the quarter 30.9.2018
377 Reg.40(9)&11 - 30-09-2018
378 Loss of share certificate-REG.39(3)
379 Shareholding percentage in SACL-Reduced
380 Loss of share certificate-REG.39(3)- 13.10.2018
381 Reg.13(3) - Investors Complaints-30.9.2018
382 Reg.7(3) - RTO & Compliance Officer
383 Declaration of 56th AGM Result
384 Publication of AGM Notice-2018
385 Book Closure Intimation-22nd to 28th Sep.2018
386 Publication of Board Meeting Intimation and Financial Results30.6.2018
387 Outcome of Board Meeting - 13.8.2018
388 Board Meeting Intimation -13.8.2018
389 Reg.13(3) - Investors Complaints-30.6.2018
390 Outcome of Board Meeting - 12.6.2018
391 Publication of Board Meeting Intimation and Financial Results-31.3.2018
392 Resignation of a Director-Sri V.K.Swaminathan-29.5.2018
393 Outcome of Board Meeting - 30.5.2018
394 Postponement of Board Meeting to 30.5.2018
395 Board Meeting Intimation - 28.05.2018
396 Reg.40(9)&11-Oct-17 to Sept.2018
397 Reg.55A for the quarter 31.3.2018
398 Reg.13(3) - Investors Complaints-31.3.2018
399 Reg.30(1) & 30(2) of SEBI(SAST) Reg.2011,
400 Reg.7(3) - RTO & Compliance Officer
401 Reg.55A for the quarter 31.12.2017
402 Publication of Quarterly Fin. Results - 31.12.2017
403 Publication of Board Meeting Intimation-14.2.2018
404 Board Meeting Intimation - 14.2.2018
405 Reg.13(3) - Investors Complaints-31.12.2017
406 Publication of Quarterly Fin. Results - 30.9.2017
407 Intimation regarding Board Meeting - 14.11.2017
408 Reg.40(9)&11-Half year ended 30.09.2017
409 Reg.55A for the quarter 30.9.2017
410 55th AGM Proceedings
411 Appointment of M/s.P K Nagarajan & Co. as Statutory Auditors
412 55th AGM voting Result
413 Publication of AGM Notice
414 Book Closure /AGM Intimation
415 Publication of Quarterly Fin. Results - 30.6.2017
416 Outcome of Board Meeting - 11.8.2017
417 Publication of Board Notice -11.8.2017
418 Board Meeting Intimation - 11.8.2017
419 Reg.55A for the quarter 30.6.2017
420 Reg.13(3) - Investors Complaints-30.6.2017
421 SACL-Release and Discharge of Corporate Gurantee
422 Shareholding in Associate Company-Reduced
423 Publication of Board Meeting Intimation
424 Board Meeting Intimation - 27.5.2017
425 Reg.40(9)&11
426 Reg.55A for the quarter 31.3.2017
427 Reg.13(3)-Investors complaints
428 Reg.7(3) - RTO & Compliance Officer
429 Publication of Quarterly Fin. Results - 31.12.2016
430 Publication of Board Notice -10.2.2017
431 Board Meeting Intimation - 10.1.2017
432 Reg.55A for the quarter 31.12.2016
433 Reg.13(3) - Investors Complaints
434 Change in Effective Date of Nomination of Mr.Jigar Dalal
435 Outcome of Board Meeting - 14.11.2016
436 Change in ARCIL Nominee w.e.f. 8.11.2016 - Mr.Jigar Dalal
437 Board Meeting Intimation - 14.11.2016
438 Reg.40(9)&11-April to Sept.2016
439 Reconciliation of share capital-Reg.55A
440 Reg.7(3) - RTO & Compliance Officer
441 Reg.13(3)-Investors complaints
442 Reg-34 - Annual Report - 2015-16
443 54th AGM - Voting Results
444 54th AGM Proceedings as per Regulation 30
445 Newspaper Publication reg. 54th AGM
446 54th AGM Notice
447 Outcome of Board Meeting - 12.8.2016
448 Quarterly Financial Result - 30.06.2016
449 Board Meeting Intimation - 12.8.2016
450 Insider Trading Reg.7(2) - Dr.M.Manickam & ABTIL
451 Reg.55A for the quarter 30.6.2016
452 Outcome of Board Meeting - 30.5.2016
453 Rectification in date of allotment to ARCIL
454 Settlement of Balance 40% to FCCB Holders
455 Allotment of shares to Asset Reconstruction Company (India) Limited
456 Postal Ballot Result & Reg.44(3)
457 Consent for redemption of FCCB(Series B) -USD2.9 Mn.
458 Insider Trading Reg.7(2) - ABT Ltd & ABTIL
459 Board Meeting Intimation-30.5.2016
460 Postal Ballot Notice to Stock Exchanges
461 Outcome of Board Meeting - 2.5.2016
462 Trading Window Closure - Pref. Issue to ARCIL
463 Reg.55A-Quarter-31.3.2016
464 Reg.40(9)&11-Half year-31.3.2016
465 Restructure of Loans by ARCIL & EDELWEISS
466 Demerger of ABT Limited
467 Compliance of SEBI SAST Reg.30(1) & 30(2)
468 Compliance of SEBI Reg.7(3) of LODR
469 Reg.30(5) - SEBI (LODR) Reg.215
470 Investors complaints - 31.12.2015
471 Exit from CDR
472 Board Meeting Intimation-13.2.2016
473 Court Order for Consent Memo for settlement of USD 11.7 Mbn. with FCCB Holders (Series B)
474 Reg.30 - SOPA
475 Reg.30 - SISMA
476 Commencement of Sugar Season 2015-16 at Modakurichi
477 BM Intimation- 7.11.2015
478 55A-SEPT'15
479 47c-SEPT.15
480 Commencement of Sugar Season 2015-16 at Sakthinagar
481 Cl-36-SEPT. 2015-SOPA
482 Cl-36-SEPT. 2015-SISMA
483 Declaration of AGM Ballot Result- CL35A
484 Declaration of Postal Ballot Result
485 Newspaper Publication reg. AGM
486 Notice and Annual Report -2015
487 Resignation of CEO
488 Notice for Postal Ballot
489 Outcome of Board Meeting - 8.8.2015
490 Board Meeting Intimation
491 Appointment of Mr.P.S.Ravendernath-ARCIL Nominee
492 Cl-36-May Special Season in Modakurichi
493 Cl-36-May 2015-SISMA
494 Cl-36-May 2015-SOPA
495 Withdrawal of IDBI Nominee Director
496 Cl-36-April 2015-SOPA
497 Postponement of Board Meeting
498 Court convened FCCB Holders meeting
499 Cl-36-APRIL15-SISMA
500 CL-47C
501 Cl-55A - SCR - 31.03.2015
502 Compliance under Regulations 30(1) and 30(2) of SEBI
503 Appointment of Mrs.Priya Bhansali as a Director
504 Clause-36 - Operational Data to SOPA-January 2015
505 Clause-36 - Operational Data to SISMA-January 2015
506 Intimation regarding Board Meeting - 14.02.2015
507 Cl-55A - SCR - 31.12.2014
508 Appointment of CEO
509 Outcome of Board Meeting - 30.9.2014
510 Voluntary Delisting by Madras Stock Exchange
511 Withdrawal of TIDCO Nominee Director
512 Demise of Chairman
513 Details of Voting Result - 52nd AGM - Clause-35A
514 AGM Proceedings & Scrutinizers Report
515 Cl-31- Annual Report & Form B
516 Email Address Registration Form by Members of the Company
517 52nd Annual General Meeting Notice
518 Clause-36 - Operational Data to SOPA-July 2014
519 Outcome of Board Meeting - 14.8.2014
520 Clause-36 - Operational Data to SISMA-July 2014
521 Clause-36 - Operational Data to SISMA-June 2014
522 Clause-36 - Operational Data to SISMA-May 2014
523 Intimation regarding Board Meeting - 30.05.2014
524 Clause-36 - Operational Data to SISMA-April 2014
525 Resignation of Sri S.Doreswamy, Director
526 Clause-36 - Operational Data to SISMA-Mar.2014
527 Allotment of shares to A B T Limited
528 Postal Ballot Result & Clause-35A
529 Clause-36 Operational Data to SOAP - Feb 2014
530 Clause-36 - Operational Data to SISMA-Feb. 2014
531 Postal Ballot Form
532 Postal Ballot Notice
533 Clause-31(c)- Despatch of Postal Ballot Notices
534 Clause-36 - Operational Data to SOPA-Jan.2014
535 Clause-31(b) - Postal Ballot Notice
536 Change in IDBI Nominee w.e.f. 1.2.2014 - Mr.T.A.Ganesh
537 Outcome of Board Meeting - 11.2.2014
538 Clause-36 - Operational Data to SISMA-Jan.2014
539 Intimation regarding Board Meeting - 11.02.2014
540 Clause-36 - Operational Data to SOPA-Dec.2013
541 Clause-36 - Operational Data to SISMA-Dec.2013
542 Abstract Pursuant to Section 302 reg. JMD Reappointment
543 Re-appointment of Joint Managing Director
544 Intimation regarding Board Meeting - 12.11.2013
545 Clause-35A
546 Book Closure Intimation
547 Liquidation of step down subsidiaries as part of restructure
548 Intimation regarding Board Meeting - 12.8.2013
549 Disclosure under SEBI (Insider Trading) Regulation
550 Appointment of CFO
551 Re-designation as Vice Chairman and Appointment as MD
552 Status of Wholly Owned Subsidiary of SACL
553 Intimation under Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement
554 Intimation regarding Board Meeting on 11.2.2013
555 Disclosure under SEBI Regulation
556 Intimation regarding Board Meeting on 9.11.2012
557 Disclosure under SEBI Regulation
558 AGM Book Closure
559 Intimation regarding Board Meeting on 10.8.2012
560 Intimation regarding Board Meeting on 30.5.2012
561 Intimation under Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement
562 Intimation regarding Board Meeting on 8.2.2012
563 Redemption of FCCB - Series B - USD 5.0 Million
564 Redemption of FCCB - Series B - USD 2.4 Million
565 Redemption of FCCB - Series B - USD 5.0 Million
566 AGM Book Closure
567 AGM postponement letter to Stock Exchange
568 AGM Postponement Notice to Members
569 Intimation regarding Board Meeting on 11.8.2011
570 Sri G.G.Gurumurthy - Ceased to be a Director
571 Statement Cl-20 of Listing Agmt (31.03.2011)
572 Intimation regarding Board Meeting on 30.5.2011
573 Intimation under Clause - 41 of the Listing Agreement
574 Tilan Sugar Dissolution intimation
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