Industrial Alcohol

Industrial Alcohol is manufactured from Molasses, viz. super fine quality of Rectified Spirit, Extra Neutral Alcohol / Neutral Spirit and Ethanol are produced by the Distillery Units of Sakthi Sugars Limited deploying advanced multi pressure distillation and multi optional fermentation plants.

The Anhydrous Alcohol (Ethanol) plant which was commissioned in the year 2003 within the Sakthinagar Unit has an installed production capacity of 50,000 Ltrs per day.

It may be noted that because ethanol is blended with petrol, crude oil import is minimized. Hence domestic production of Ethanol can significantly contribute towards saving the foreign reserves of the country.

The Products:

  • Rectified Spirit
  • Extra Neutral Alcohol / Neutral Spirit
  • Ethanol
Specification for Rectified Spirit
Characteristics Specifications
Appearance Clear, Colourless homogeneous liquid free from matter in suspension.
Ethyl alcohol content in degrees over proof 66.0 Deg.0p (min.)
Specific gravity at 60° 0.8171 (max.)
Miscibility with water (1:19) by volume Miscible
Alkalinity Nil
Acidity, present by weight as Acetic acid 0.002 (max.)
Residue on evaporation per cent by weight 0.005 (max.)
Aldehyde content g per 100 ml. 0.006 (max.)
Methyl alcohol content Passes the Test
Fusel oil content Passes the Test
Furfural content Passes the Test
Ester content gm. per 100 ml. of ethyl acetate 0.020 (max.)
Copper content g per 100 ml. 0.0004 (max.)
Lead content g per 100 ml. 0.001 (max.)
Percentage of added water (v/v) 0.001 (max.)
Specification for Extra Neutral Alcohol / Neutral Spirit
Specification for Anhydrous Alcohol (Ethanol)

Product Matrix
Plants Locations
Sugar Sakthinagar,  Sivaganga,  Modakurichi
Distillery Sakthinagar
Power Sakthinagar,  Sivaganga,  Modakurichi
Ethanol Sakthinagar
Bio-Earth Sakthinagar

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